Ben 15 rappresentanti del Malignani hanno vissuto 4 intense giornate di dibattito stile Nazioni Unite a Cividale del Friuli dal 24 al 27 Novembre 2018. Gli organizzatori della simulazione diplomatica  sono gli attivi studenti del Convitto Paolo Diacono: con mirabile impegno essi sono riusciti a gestire  250 giovani provenienti da 9 paesi diversi (Argentina, Olanda, Australia, Italia, Oman, Islanda, Slovenia, Russia). 


Il gioco di ruolo prevedeva l’incontro di delegati di 50 paesi delle Nazioni Unitesuddivisi in commissioni per discutere temi di cruciale importanza rigorosamente in inglese e produrre delle risoluzioni contenenti proposte condivise su Disastri Naturali e Riduzione del Rischio nelle Scuole, Indipendenza dei Curdi, Tecnologie per la Riproduzione Assistita, Vaccinazioni.


L’esperienza ha riscosso l’interesse e l’entusiasmo di tutti i partecipanti. Un grazie sentito ad Alessandro Vignato, lo studente esperto che ha preparato i neofiti ad affrontare la prima esperienza MUN, e a Beatriz Copetti che ha affiancato Alessandro come seconda “allenatrice”. 

Ecco i commenti di coloro che hanno aderito alla quinta edizione CFMUNESCO:


Alba Brochetta  

Excellent way to improve my spoken English and to establish international contacts. Shy at first, 

I became more active in the debate when I understood that no one was going to judge me.


Margherita Nogara

My first MUN: I was more an observer than a debater. I want to try again. Great opportunity to meet teenagers from all over the world. 


Francesco Tonelli

As a China delegate in the International Red Cross Committee I learnt to discuss about climate change and natural disasters. Speaking in front of an audience of 64 people required all my courage!


Beatriz Copetti

I was in the Historical Committee discussing the period 1918-1938: from the dream of peace to the birth of totalitarian ideologies. Do not miss this fascinating opportunity offered by the Malignani school to us all! 


Angelica Rerecich

I liked the feeling of being an adult working in Parliament to find practical solutions to hot current issues. I want to repeat the experience next year.


Julia Qiu

Fantastic moments: I socialized with delegates, I became interested in the role of women in post-war societies. I will definitely attend other CFMUNESCO in the future!


Eden Silani

I often took the floor and delivered my persuasive speeches. I feel more confident now in public speaking. I did not feel so comfortable in my elegant clothes and shoes. I loved meeting new friends!


Francesco Cerroni

I am satisfied of my contribution to the MUN: I spoke 10 times! How difficult the world of politics: You must respect allies, treaties and convince the other delegates to vote for you. 


Lara Blasoni

“Just go for it! Nobody is going to judge you, even if you make mistakes.” Even though it is a formal contest, the environment is friendly since it is run by students. After my first MUN I feel more self-confident. 


Fabiola Parmesan

The MUN project improved my English fluency, enlarged my knowledge of world affairs, taught me that more MUNs are necessary to become an expert debater. I appreciated getting to know young people from different languages, different countries, different cultures.


Filippo Pagnacco

I recommend the MUN experience to my classmates. It is useful and incredibly amusing. I am now in contact with a boy from Australia and a girl from Russia. 


Roberto Schininà

CFMUNESCO was the best experience of my life. How much I have learnt from the expert delegates! Debating is an art that requires time and  dedication.


Michele Comuzzi

CFMUNESCO has changed me. The atmosphere of enthusiasm in Cividale filled the air. I took up the challenge, I practiced my speaking skills, I overcame my initial nervous and shy attitude. 


Nicola Flego 

I enjoyed the international context, the passionate discussions in English, the atmosphere of  commitment and fun. 



CFMUNESCO – Malignani Team

Si allegano alcuni esempi di dichiarazioni politiche (policy statements) scritte dai delegati, frutto delle loro ricerche documentali in preparazione alla assemblea. Si allegano anche il programma dei giorni di conferenza CFMUNESCO e l’articolo apparso sul sito del Malignani per divulgare l’evento. 

policy statements.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 127.7 KB
CFMUNESCO 2018_Program.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 42.7 KB
Documento Adobe Acrobat 300.9 KB