NOI del MALIGNANI attivi nelle SIMULAZIONI dei lavori dell’ONU

Sulle note dell’inno europeo sfilano i delegati delle nazioni rappresentate. Con questa solenne cerimonia si apre l’edizione 2020 del CFMUNESCO organizzata dal Convitto Paolo Diacono di Cividale. Si tratta di una simulazione dei dibattiti delle Nazioni Unite che ha riunito oltre 200 studenti di 5 nazioni (Slovenia, Russia, Argentina, Australia, Italia) dal 14 al 17 febbraio 2020.

Noi del Malignani eravamo presenti in 16 per discutere in inglese su temi socio-politici di rilevanza mondiale inseriti nell’Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’ONU. Cinque i comitati al lavoro per proporre soluzioni plausibili a problemi urgenti del nostro pianeta: Unesco, Conferenza Internazionale della Croce Rossa, Comitato storico “1920-The League of Nations”, Consiglio di Sicurezza, Affari dello Spazio extra-Atmosferico. 

L’impegno sociale e civile è un imperativo per tutti i giovani che vogliono essere protagonisti della loro vita. La scuola va vissuta come teatro di crescita, di educazione alla cittadinanza. Questa iniziativa di alto valore formativo permette ai giovani di discutere del loro futuro, acquisendo consapevolezza sulle realtà internazionali. “Nessuno è troppo piccolo per fare la differenza”.

Ecco le voci dei partecipanti:



Unforgettable experience. The world is ours: we can make a difference!


I worked in the Historical Committee and I represented Paul Hymans, the Belgian minister of  Foreign Affairs, during the assemblies of the  League of  Nations  from 1919 to 1924. We debated seriously to propose a reasonable peace treaty. Amazing memories.


Wonderful experience in the Historical Committee which simulated the Congress of the League of Nations held in Geneva in 1920 post-WWI.  We learned to speak formally like diplomats, to dress smartly like politicians, to attend institutional venues like the Sagrado city hall. 


I appreciated the high level of English of the other delegates. We dealt with the questions of Peacekeeping and International Cooperation through Space Activities and of Access to Space for all. Really stimulating.


Four intense and memorable days of debating, socializing, gaining self-confidence and discovering new perspectives of the world. I will remember the tiny oak the Secretary General planted in the front yard of the Convitto as a symbol of us, the flourishing future.


I made friends with an Australian girl and two Russian boys. CFMUNESCO was well organized from the Opening Ceremony to the Committee work, from the Gala Night to the General Assembly. My vote is 10. 


I was a member of the Security Council and my thorough preparation allowed me to positively contribute to the question of the Turkish Offensive in Syria and the Diffusion of Cryptocurrencies. My second CFMUNESCO experience was extremely productive and utterly enjoyable.


Words cannot fully express the overwhelming emotions of this unique experience. I was impressed by all the young forces at work to make this inspiring project possible. I have understood how important it is to have goals in our lives and try to pursue them. 


I encourage everyone to live this experience because the MUN in an enriching moment: it opens up your cultural and political horizons, it strengthens your confidence in public speaking and in human contacts. You can only benefit from it. 


The CFMUNESCO experience  in Cividale del Friuli was educational, interesting and useful. I was a delegate of  Belgium  in the UNESCO committee. We discussed about a Humanistic Approach in dealing with Artificial Intelligence. I learnt how to write a Policy Statement and a Resolution. Great achievements!


I highly recommend CFMUNESCO to those who want to get involved in international affairs and those who are curious to meet young people from all over the world.


I feel privileged because I could take part in the International Red Cross Committee to discuss the questions of Restoring Family Links and Climate Disaster Laws. I was active in debate proposing constructive ideas for our resolutions. I loved my new international friends. A special thank to our advisor, Donatella Savonitto, for her help in preparation.


What an extraordinary experience! I have improved my oral English, I have met new friends, I had fun. I am looking forward to my next MUN!


I was a little bit embarrassed at first, but then I felt comfortable because nobody was there to judge me. I recommend CFMUNESCO to all Malignani students, especially the shy ones, because it is an excellent way to learn public speaking. 


This project is ideal for teenagers who love challenges, adore social interactions, imagine a world of active and productive citizens. I am one of them. The future is ours!



If you want to develop as a human being, if you want to grow quickly and together, join the CFMUNESCO!


CFMUNESCO 2020 Invitation Letter.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 4.0 MB
Documento Adobe Acrobat 124.2 KB
examples of Policy Statements.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 53.2 KB
Attestato_Malignani_Flego Isabella.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 147.5 KB